What we teach is our curriculum. Curriculum includes both explicitly taught disciplinary topics of every lesson and implicit social behaviors and expectation that are taught through how we engage together as humans in learning. Because the world and our students are constantly changing, curriculum is in a constant state of focused revision. Curriculum maybe provided or teachers might design curriculum. The Clarity Planner helps teachers analyze curriculum and anticipate adjustments that learners might need. Whether the curriculum is scripted or generated by teachers, the clarity planner supports teachers in more effective lesson preparation. Clarity planners may be shared with students and families to support their understanding of the learning goals, assessments, and opportunities for feedback within curriculum units.
The Clarity Planner is a tool to help teachers summarize and visualize what is being taught. See gallery of Clarity Planners below and download directions to create a Clarity Planner for your units.
Teachers also need to look at the sequence of learning over time in relation to required standards for learning. Here is an example from Hunter College School of Education where faculty aligned teacher education courses to International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Explore dynamic curriculum maps that faculty can update as they change and develop courses.