Today's class assignment is shown below on the left side of the screen.
A student's respond to this assignemnt is shown on the right. Read this response and assess it's quality.
What evidence in the portrait suggests Sojourner Truth used literacy skills to communicate?
I think the book on the table shows literacy, but I’m not sure why it’s there since she couldn’t read. She did add words to the bottom of the portrait so that other people could read.
I think the book on the table shows literacy, but I’m not sure why it’s there since she couldn’t read. She did add words to the bottom of the portrait so that other people could read.
Let's ask our student some clarifying questions about their response.
Once you press the start button, you will have 30 seconds to assess clarifying statements and drag them to the suitable or unsuitable pile as they appear on the screen.
Points Accumulated: 0
Let's show our student that we understand what they are bringing to the conversation.
Once you press the start button, you will be able to choose a reflection statement and read through the consequent student response and learning goal.
Choose how you would respond to convey to the student that you understand their response and see their strengths. Then read through the Teaching Goal and keep it in mind during further steps.
I remember learning about Sojourner Truth in class and watching that video about her selling cards at her speeches.
Help Jazmin expand her understanding of literacy to include symbolism. Guide Jazmin towards making a connection between what a book symbolizes and Sojourner Truth’s inclusion of a book in her portrait to communicate literacy in her life.
Let's help our student reach the learning goal.
Once you press the start button, you will have 30 seconds to assess teaching statements and drag them to the suitable or unsuitable pile as they appear on the screen.
Let's help our student extend their learning past the task at hand.
Once you press the start button, you will have 30 seconds to assess statements that extend learning and drag them to the suitable or unsuitable pile as they appear on the screen.
You've completed the full teaching cycle!