Data Use & Privacy Policy

Data Use

Similar to all online activities, our software collects information from you so that you can rejoin an experience in case you accidentally close out or lose your connection. We also monitor how many users engage with our tools and the amount of time users spend learning. We do not share data outside of our project team. We list specifically below, by product, the data collected, storage, and length of storage.

Teaching with Grace

  • name and email ( we do not share emails)
  • actions, words, and system analyses of words

Agility Data

  • name and email
  • selected cards to make past games info available only to the player
  • users may view previous game card selections on the scoreboard


  • We do not share any information outside of the product team.
  • Data is stored for 10 years and may be used to evaluate product effectiveness. Aggregate data may be shared to describe teacher learning using Agility and Teaching with Grace.