All Routines

Routines are used to guide student thinking and learning experiences. There are different kinds of routines:

Learning routines are used within the curriculum. Learning routines can also be used to promote well being within the learning community.

Care routines

Organization routines

Durable learning routines

All routines are made up of some combination of 3 different elements: structure, choice, and help resources. Familiarity with the elements at your disposal and mastery of the 8 essential skills will set you up to juggle instructional challenges with agility and grace.

Click on any routine below to learn more about a specific routine and access resources to help you implement it in your classroom.

Individual Learning Routines

Body biography
Check and Circle
Monitoring Thinking
Silent Think Time
Star and Box

Group Learning Routines

2 x 2 x 2
CRED - Is this credible?
Dialogue Lines
Domino Discover
Elbow Exchange and Sort
Fact, Question, Answer
Idea Carousel
Peer Tutoring
Questions Only
Think, Talk, and Open Exchange

Care Routines

Take 5 deep breaths

Organization Routines

Gathering student responses
Movement into groups

Durable Learning Routines

Images draw you in
Life in a box
Read, write, reflect, revise
Zoom In

Teacher Directed Learning Routines

Mini Lesson
Short Movie Clip

Free Discussion

Turn & talk