Our research uses digital technologies to examine the extent that teachers adjust their feedback in response to student learning needs. We examine the frequency of the quality of feedback provided to individual students as learning unfolds during a lesson. This helps us understand measures of equity including when feedback was provide, often often, how long, and the impact of feedback on changes in student responses. We use data visualizations to examine the quality of feedback in relation to time during a mini lesson.
Agile Thinking: Deciding to Teach Every Student. (2019). Simulations in Teacher Education conference (NSF Grant #1813476), Louisville, KY.

Selected Publications
We conduct research with teachers examining how professional learning can support teaching in building inclusive learning communities through daily teaching practices. We pay special attention to engaging in the challenges that teachers encounter when wrestling with their goals and values and time and curriculum constraints across grade levels, subject areas, and school contexts. Leading to the Development of Agile Teacher Lab Tools, Teaching for Deeper Learning Framework, Differentiated Instruction Approach, and Agile Thinking. (For complete List)
- Bondie, R. (2023). Exploring Personalized Learning and Open Education Pedagogy in Multilingual Learner Teacher Preparation. Online Learning, 27(4).
- Bondie, R., Zusho, A., Wiseman, E., Dede, C., & Rich, D. Can differentiated and personalized mixed reality simulations transform teacher learning?. Technology, Mind, and Brain, 4, (1). doi: 10.1037/tmb0000098
- Zusho, A., Kumar, R., & Bondie, R. S. (2023). Transforming fear into rigor, love, freedom, and joy: A new paradigm of standards-based reform. Educational Psychologist, 58(4), 244-260.
- Bondie, R. & Dede, C. (2021). Redefining and Transforming Field Experiences in Teacher Preparation Through Personalized Mixed Reality Simulations. Ferdig, R.E., & Pytash, K. (Eds.) What teacher educators should have learned from 2020. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). https://www.learntechlib.org/p/219088/
- Bondie, R., Mancenido, Z., & Dede, C. (2021). Interaction principles for digital puppeteering to promote teacher learning. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 53(1), 107-123.
- Bondie, R., *Dahnke, C. & Zusho, A. (2019). Does changing “one-size fits all” to differentiated instruction impact teaching and learning? Review of Research in Education.
- *Freedberg, S., Bondie, R., Allison, C., & Zusho, A. (2019). Challenging students with high abilities in math and science classrooms. High Ability Studies.
Bondie, R., & Zusho, A. (2018). Differentiated instruction made practical: Engaging the extremes through classroom routines. Routledge. - Kumar, R., Zusho, A., & Bondie, R. (2018). Weaving cultural relevance and achievement motivation into inclusive classroom cultures. Educational Psychologist.
- Bondie, R. & Zusho, A. (2017). Racing against yourself: High-stakes for adolescent English Language Learners with disabilities. Teacher College Record. 119(9).
- Bondie, R. *Uzun, M. (2017). Does teacher preparation influence candidate’s confidence to teach students with disabilities? Scholar-Practitioner Quarterly. 11(1-4), 212-227.2015 Bondie, R. A Digital teaching platform to further and assess use of evidence-based practices. Rural Special Education, 34(1), 23-29.