
Students work in pairs to generate questions around a prompt, image, data set, or table. 2 x 2 x 2 – 2 people, 2 minutes, 2 questions. 


  1. Invite students to find a partner and generate two questions in two minutes on the topic of the lesson.
  2. Collect questions.  Partners can share their questions with other groups or the teacher can collect the questions to form a list of questions. Question generation can occur around a problem, image, data table, etc.
  3. Use questions to guide and document learning. Students might listen for answers to questions in a mini-lesson, look for answers when reading a text or a data table. Students might discuss possible answers in groups or individually answer questions.


Other configurations of student numbers and time can be used as well – such as 1 x 6 x 2 – Generate questions as an individual, share in a group of six, and choose two questions that meet a particular criteria (such as most relevant, interesting to answer, that have multiple correct answers, that relate to different topics, etc.).