
The Agile Teacher Lab is directed by Rhonda Bondie, Associate Professor, at Hunter College. Our mission is to leverage computing and digital literacies to create tools for ongoing teacher education and preparation that nurture care, learning, impact, and passion in P-16 learning environments.

The Agile Teacher Lab website provides free resources and tools to support teachers and teacher educators in developing expertise and knowledge needed to implement inclusive teaching practices. Our tools and resources were developed in collaboration with teachers participating in our rigorous research.

Our Tools

Our tools provide practice-based professional development for educators. This means that teachers are immersed in learning through experiences very similar to daily teaching. Unlike the unpredictable nature of school, our virtual tools are designed to develop teaching skills through practice without time constraints or concern of trying-out new skills with real children.

Teaching with Grace and Agility were designed by the development team to provide freely available and open-source tools aimed at developing teaching practices for inclusive classrooms.