Teaching Survey

“Teachers are and must be thinkers in their own right, not just “doers” who happen to teach and possess the skill to do so. their minds must be continually restocked and nourished. They must become capable of gaining and using knowledge on their own, independent of others, and of leading others to do so, too. True teachers liberate the thinking of others.” (Bannon, 2017, p. 10)

The Agile Teacher Thinking framework and related learning routines, elements, and teaching skills prepares teachers for the intellectual demands of daily teaching that provide motivational, cognitive, and culturally relevant support for optimal and effective student learning.

The Teaching Practices Survey enables teachers to reflect on the sources that nurture their teaching and then to seek ongoing professional learning that replenishes and fills the sources that teachers draw from to perceive and analyze student learning and then decide and carry out motivationally, cognitively, and culturally relevant teaching responses.

Try the Teaching Practices Survey