
An inclusive culture is a driver of positive learning outcomes. One tool you can use to build an inclusive culture is the CIRCLE Students Framework. This framework, created by Dr. Carmen Williams, is designed to explicitly illustrate how your mindset drives equitable action.  Teachers that value equity have adopted a mindset that informs intentional relational and instructional moves.  Using this framework brings intention and attention to the beliefs that enact equitable classroom environments and instructional practices. The framework is based on the following tenants:

Care Consciously

Caring consciously is a choice to engage in a mental state that produces aligned behavior. Caring consciously acknowledges the whole child as they are, not as we would hope them to be and tends to the individual needs and dreams.

Video Gallery:

Watch through the videos to hear Carmen Williams explain why and how educators can care consciously, invite dialogue, restore dignity, co-create space, learn alongside, and empathize radically.

Helpful Handouts:

Click on any of the documents below to view them in a new tab. Feel free to download or print them so you could add them to your lesson plans. Use the guide to create a CIRCLE students care or learning routine for your setting. Use your understanding of Elements and Essential Tools to design your own routines that build classroom culture. Invite students to create learning routines with you.