
Help resources are tools, materials, information, and people vital to supporting students through their learning. But understanding how and when to seek out help is a skill in and of itself, one that is vital skills to autonomous learning. Weaving help into the fabric of your classroom by setting up structures, habits, and routines with access to differentiated levels of help resources and drawing student attention to these help resources, can prompt students to think deeply about and access the support they need with autonomy.

Help resources can be separated into 3 different tiers: general help, specific help, and individualized help. Each tier can be appropriate for every student, depending on circumstances; general help resources are not only for high-achievers, nor is individualized help only for struggling students. All students can benefit from differentiated instruction.

Examples of Help:

Click on any of the help resources below to learn more about them and download resources for implementing them in your classroom.

Video Gallery:

Providing help is one of the three most important elements of teaching. Use this video series to learn how to provide help that promotes student independence.